Embrace the Month of Love and Wellness

 February 2024 Newsletter

As we step into the month of February, the air is filled with love and positivity! Love for yourself and for others brings warmth to the community. I will touch upon a new way to approach Valentine’s day which could bring more positivity, love, and overall happiness to your life. Check out my love-filled newsletter, to get you in the spirits and to tackle these cold winter months. As always thank you for putting your trust in me with your health goals and concerns, I LOVE treating you!

With gratitude, Brittany Smith

Embracing the Month of Love

Love your Body: This can mean many different things. Love and appreciate what your body does for you on any given day! Love and appreciate how the body signals to you when you’re run down and need to relax. Love how you look given the struggles that you might have endured in life. Appreciate what makes us all unique individuals. Love how you treat others. And especially, love your health! Make sure to prioritize self-care this month so you can truly love how you look, feel, and act.

Community Spotlight: I love hearing about your experience with acupuncture at my office. I would love to share a success story in my next newsletter- if you feel as though you’d like to share your story, let me know! Anonymous authors are welcomed. Your journey could inspire others to prioritize their health and well-being. Share the love you have for your community by writing a review for your local favorite small business. We all love the support!

Love those around you: A simple compliment goes a long way. Maybe you wait an extra second to hold the door for the person behind you or maybe you acknowledge a stranger’s cute outfit. You never know how much a small gesture of love can truly impact a person’s life. Show a little love in your daily life.

Refer a friend and share the love: At Balancing Harmony Within @ Acupuncture of New England, I give $10 off for every referral you make. Make sure your friends or family tell me who sends you and I will credit their account!

Love your closest friends and family: It can be hard with our busy lives to appreciate and love those that are closest to us. Take a minute every day to be present with your loved ones. Make sure to say those kind words to them. Thank them for those repetitive daily tasks that may go unnoticed like cooking dinner or dropping the kids off at school. Sometimes during the Valentine’s season we often think of which best gift can we give our loved ones, but sometimes showing your love with words and affection means more than any tangible gift.

Happy month of love! I hope this ignites a spark within you to feel, express, spread, and embrace love throughout this month. As always, I’m here to support you in overcoming any challenges that may hinder your ability to experience or demonstrate love, whether it be emotionally or physically. inspires people to feel, show, share, and give the love during this month.

Valentine’s Giveaway Collaboration

I'm thrilled to share the exciting news of an incredible giveaway happening on my Instagram page, Acupuncture_of_new_england. Teaming up with From the Ground Up Healing (from_the_ground_up_healing), we are offering our valued clients a sensational gift basket valued at over $100. Inside this thoughtfully curated basket, you'll find an array of treasures to nurture your well-being:

  • Dr. Guo’s 37 Salve (my FAVORITE aches and pains salve)

  • Three large bags of herbal teas for immunity, stress relief, and deep sleep

  • A cute heart-shaped strainer to enhance your tea experience

  • A gua sha facial rose quartz stone for rejuvenation

  • A natural wood 4-way gua sha tool for self-care and muscle aches

  • Calendula soothing balm and headache relief roll-on, both formulated with all-natural herbs

Don't miss out on this opportunity to win these delightful goodies! Head over to my Instagram page now to enter for a chance to win this incredible gift basket. Make sure to follow all the guidelines on the Instagram post! Good luck to all participants!

Acupuncture of New England Gift Certificates are also available in any denomination. These make a thoughtful & caring gift for your loved ones, whether they are existing clients or someone else you know who could benefit from our services. Available for purchase over the phone or via email as well!

Thank You

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all my clients who have referred me to their friends and family. Your recommendations mean the world to me, and I truly appreciate your trust and confidence in my services.

Thank you once again for your continued support and for helping me grow my business.

or call 978- 777-2707

Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-6pm

More information can be found at Acupne.com

Telemedicine appointments are available for Herbal Consultations